Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 14 - Drop your baggage

Drop your baggage. Drop all the garbage , hurt , past incidents, sad feelings, grudge , any kind of feelings that you have been carrying for so long. Drop it and move on. Dropping a baggage feels very light, feels so light that now you can move on easily and swiftly. Now you can move on to do bigger and greater things. Getting stuck with terrible feelings just drags you down even further and it becomes that much difficult to get back up and to move.

Tips to drop such feelings:

  • Do not talk about it or discuss about it with anyone. As you talk about that feeling or that incident or about that person who had hurt you, you are just giving it more energy and attracting it with that much strength towards you. Do not talk about it at all.
  • Do not think about it , try to concentrate on things you like to do , things you love , things you appreciate. Intentionally move your thoughts from bad frequency to the good one. Start feeling good about yourself and about what you do.
  • Remember one thing, you cannot change past, gone is gone, done is done, start to move on.
  • Remember another thing, you cannot change people, the only person you have full control on is yourself, so work on yourself and try to make yourself happy, rather than sulking or complaining what other person did to you.
  • Laugh , smile and do something that will make you smile. Watch a movie, go out with friends, hang out in nature, go party, do whatever that makes you feel really happy and lighten yourself.
We all need to work on ourselves to be happy and motivated. Put that effort and energy in doing what you want and you will get yourself out of what you do not want to be in.

Enjoy .

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 13 - Smile and Celebrate

Celebrate Life each and every day. You are here today, living , healthy and happy independent of what you have and what you don't have.
Always keep the remote control of your happiness with you . Do not give it out to anyone or anything.

We do not want to live life being sad or unhappy or upset , cause someone told you something, cause someone did something to you nor cause something happened to you.

Happiness should always be independent of all the surroundings. Happiness will attract Happiness. Just keep smiling, celebrate life , and be happy all the time.

Now it reminds me of the song "Don't Worry Be Happy" by "Bobby McFerrin", watch and enjoy.

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy