Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 15-Do at least One thing that makes you happy

Day 15- Do at least ONE thing in a day that you love to do.

Do anything that you love to do , just for yourself. This is just to make sure you are taken care of , everyday. This one thing should make you happy after doing it , not feel more stressed out or time wasted. Do whatever makes you really happy, gives you satisfaction and at the end of the activity you get a smile on your face :)

Here are some examples that you might want to do:

  • Play ping pong 
  • Do yoga 
  • Go for a walk
  • Call an old friend (Don't call a friend who wants to complain or cry, call someone who will make you happy, proud and elated)
  • Meet up with a friend for coffee (Discuss happy things only)
  • Do one good deed (this is still for yourself, if you would feel happy helping someone else, if you don't , then don't do this)
  • Go for a massage
  • Get your nails done
  • Get a nice dress for yourself
  • Get a gift for yourself or for your loved one
  • If you are creative, work on creative stuff
  • Read a book
  • Visit museums, parks, library, whichever one makes you happy
These are just examples I can think of. Do what makes you happy and remember we have to do this everyday. At least one single thing everyday, because if you are happy everyone around you is happy and if you are happy, things will happen for you more easily and smoothly :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 14 - Drop your baggage

Drop your baggage. Drop all the garbage , hurt , past incidents, sad feelings, grudge , any kind of feelings that you have been carrying for so long. Drop it and move on. Dropping a baggage feels very light, feels so light that now you can move on easily and swiftly. Now you can move on to do bigger and greater things. Getting stuck with terrible feelings just drags you down even further and it becomes that much difficult to get back up and to move.

Tips to drop such feelings:

  • Do not talk about it or discuss about it with anyone. As you talk about that feeling or that incident or about that person who had hurt you, you are just giving it more energy and attracting it with that much strength towards you. Do not talk about it at all.
  • Do not think about it , try to concentrate on things you like to do , things you love , things you appreciate. Intentionally move your thoughts from bad frequency to the good one. Start feeling good about yourself and about what you do.
  • Remember one thing, you cannot change past, gone is gone, done is done, start to move on.
  • Remember another thing, you cannot change people, the only person you have full control on is yourself, so work on yourself and try to make yourself happy, rather than sulking or complaining what other person did to you.
  • Laugh , smile and do something that will make you smile. Watch a movie, go out with friends, hang out in nature, go party, do whatever that makes you feel really happy and lighten yourself.
We all need to work on ourselves to be happy and motivated. Put that effort and energy in doing what you want and you will get yourself out of what you do not want to be in.

Enjoy .

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 13 - Smile and Celebrate

Celebrate Life each and every day. You are here today, living , healthy and happy independent of what you have and what you don't have.
Always keep the remote control of your happiness with you . Do not give it out to anyone or anything.

We do not want to live life being sad or unhappy or upset , cause someone told you something, cause someone did something to you nor cause something happened to you.

Happiness should always be independent of all the surroundings. Happiness will attract Happiness. Just keep smiling, celebrate life , and be happy all the time.

Now it reminds me of the song "Don't Worry Be Happy" by "Bobby McFerrin", watch and enjoy.

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 12-Check yourself

Day in and day out, keep a check on yourself. How you are feeling at this specific moment?  Which direction are you going towards?  Is this something you really want to do? .

Keep a close check on yourself daily. Revise your goal, revisit your passion, redefine it if needed, see if your actions are in alignment with your goal.

Sometimes, it will not make sense, but when you look back you will be able to connect all the dots (essence of what Steve Jobs said)

Try to live every moment, try to give your best in everything you do.

Tips on keeping a check on yourself.

  • Be alone for half an hour on your own and think about yourself
  • Do yoga
  • Meditate
  • Talk to people about your goals
  • Be passionate
  • Keep smiling
  • Think before you speak
  • Do not jump to conclusions
  • Do not be judgemental

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 11- Health is wealth

Health is wealth. Health is the first thing you need to have to get anything else working. If you are physically healthy, you will have all the energy to start working on your goals , on your passions. Being healthy and staying healthy takes some effort and time. Everyday working on your health bit by bit will get you to a very healthy stage, where it will become easier to accomplish what you are looking for.
Few tips on being healthy and staying healthy:

  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise
  • Sleep Well
  • Drink lots of water
We all know about these points but we still try to ignore it. Will discuss on this topic tomorrow.

Things done to achieve goal 1: Stay Healthy
  • Biked for 10 km
Things done to achieve goal 2: Learn French
  • Attended French class

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 10-Persistence brings results

Try try till you succeed. We have heard this in past , since our childhood but implementing now feels good. Be persistent on what you are working on, try different things, choose different angels, look into new options, take a different route, keep going. Do not try same thing again and again , when you have already got failed results. There is no point in trying same things and expecting different results.
Persistence does not mean doing same thing again and again, it means continue of an effort. This has to be enlightened effort, intelligent effort, and constructive effort.

Ideas on being persistent

  • Look at your goal , as you look at the task you love
  • Google up some solutions on how people have already resolved those kinds of goals
  • Try something different
  • Be adventurous
  • Smile and start working
  • Share the task with the loved one, or with someone who is proud of you, they might have brilliant ideas too
  • Talk to smart CEOs or smart people
  • Learn by falling but still get up to try again
That is for today on persistence :)

Things did to achieve Goal 1:
  • Biked for 30 min, 150 calories burnt, 11 KM

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 9- Extension of focus

Focus on one area with full dedication , makes things possible. There are lot of distractions in today's world, with facebook, twitter, emails, chat programs, phone , tv, movies etc, we need to take some time and focus on the things we need to do.
Focus combines all the energies we have and helps us produce the results we are looking for. All the different senses work together to help us analyse the problem and get us better answers. Take time to understand the problem or the issue on hand or the goal that you want to achieve. Fully draw it out in your mind or on a piece of paper, to understand where to start from and where would you want to end , to achieve what you are looking for. This is very similar to the vision board. This is the path that you want to take to reach to your final destination. Even if path is not clear , start with the vision board, put it down and focus on it. Look at it from different angles, and see what can be different possibilities.
Sometimes it helps to make your own bubble and be on your own to focus on the problem and there will be some Eureka moments. All these great scholars had those moments , due to some reason, mostly it was the focus and concentration in one particular area.

Things done to achieve goal 1:

  • Biked for 30 min, 240 calories burnt, 11 KM
  • Yoga for 20 min

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 8- Accept yourself

There will be days when you want to take it easy and you might not want to work on your goal. There might be days when you do not want to do anything and just let everything go , for that moment. Accept how you are feeling, acknowledge it and understand your mental and physical status. Respect yourself and do not dis-regard what it has to say, listen to it very carefully.

Your reaction, your mood , your state of mind , is all the different ways of your body telling you what it wants. Mind and heart needs time and attention. Listen to it. Most of the times, it needs the understanding of why it is feeling so tired and exhausted, why it does not feel motivated to do what you want to do.

In such scenarios, look within, write down what you have been doing day in and day out. Are you happy with it? Do you feel satisfied with what you are doing? It can be in your personal life, any relationship or even in your career. Dig deep, listen to yourself and accept what it has to say.

There is some hidden feeling that is not being acknowledged , or taken care of , which is now reacting in ways that makes you feel demotivated or tired , or just blah, where you do not want to do anything.

That's the way of your body telling you, that you have ignored me very much , now I do not want to participate in what you have to say.

Tips and hints that might help you to cheer up, these one just gives you temporary solution to lighten the mood, so that you can move on to find the permanent solution.

  • Do yoga
  • Try to meditate
  • Do things that gives you feeling of satisfaction and achievement
  • Talk to someone about it
  • Go for a walk
  • Be with nature, nature usually has a lot to give, if you are ready to listen to it
  • Look at a laughing baby
  • Watch comedy shows
  • Lighten the mood up
Calm yourself down and accept what is going on, this is normal, and everyone goes through it, worrying will not make it any better.

Things done to achieve goal 1: Stay Healthy

  • 35min of biking, 150 calories burnt, 13km
  • 20 min of yoga
Things done to achieve goad 2: Learn French
  • Online French training for 2 hours

Day 7- Focus

One point of concentration, one point to focus. Focusing on multiple areas, distributes energy. Focus on one area, increases the energy , make things clear and gives more appropriate results. Pick any specific area where you have been having difficulty in completing a project or having hard time to convert that step one into step two, then concentrate on that one area day in and day out. Think about that one goal, research on it, talk about it, discuss about it, keep looking for options to solve that problem, and finally step by step you will see the tough project of yours or that impossible goal, starts to solve and results open up to you, slowly and easily.

Today I had to have a solution ready for our company, which was a big deal to make our project either success or failure. 8 hours of full concentration on one area, finally started to open up different areas and the start was really nice for this project. Concentration makes things very clear, and gives extra energy to look into the problem with a different perspective.

Things done to achieve Goal 1:
  • Biked 10 KM, burnt 130 Calories
  • Yoga for half an hour

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 6- Take that first step

Take that first step towards the goal that you wanted to achieve for a long time. Take baby steps, one step at a time, but start. Start anywhere, any time, how ever you want it, but just take that first step.

  • Imagining your goal is, birth of your goal in your mind
  • Preparation towards that goal is getting ready, to see yourself succeed.
  • Taking the first step is half the battle already won.
We have been talking about visualizing your goal, and creating it in your mind. Then we did some mental preparations, preparing our mind to get ready by talking about it, discussing it, declaring it in the blog and now is the time to take the first step.

There are mixed feelings on day one, step one. You are not sure how to react, what to expect, how things will go , what will happen. Most of the time the beginnings are the impressions you leave for the rest of your journey. If the beginning is good, then you determine that the journey would be good, or vice versa. 

Judging, pre-conceptions, pre-determinations, are all coming from past experiences. When you start with a blank slate , there is nothing to compare with. , so whatever you do is the best. That is the place to be.
Start clear, start fresh. Forget about what happened last year when you tried this thing, forget who told what, forget how much loss you went through, etc. just make that new fresh start without any pre-conceptions.

Go out there and live by taking that first step.

I took that first step today.

Today was the first day of French Class Level 2, and it went really well. 

Things done to achieve Goal 1: Get Healthy, Stay Healthy
  • Biked for 30 min, 250 Calories burnt, 11 KM
Things done to achieve Goal 2: Learn French
  • First day of French Class level 2 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 5- Do not give up

Every time you make a goal, every time you make a commitment, every time you promise yourself, that you will reach a different level, that you will achieve something new, that you will try something different, there will always be challenges.

Every new curve brings new challenges, new steepness in the path, more hurdles, take that extra step to move on. Give that extra bit to try a little harder, push yourself a little more to do what you wanted to do. It might get tougher and difficult to achieve it, darkness might  be all around but that one little step , one small push can make a huge difference. Keep going, keep moving, never give up.

I have made this motto of my life and would love to abide by it, as much as I can, to never ever give up. I had chances in life where giving up was the easiest solution and moving on without trying any further, could have been the best way to get rid of task, but trying that one last time has got astonishing results for me in life.

I have achieved peace of mind, achieved happiness, achieved the strength to deal with more challenging situations and overall I have seen myself grow. It is such a nice feeling to see ourselves grow and become bigger every time you do not give up and keep trying harder until you achieve the final goal, that this gives you real inside happiness.

I would always say , again and again , "Never Give Up" :)

Things done to achieve goal 1: To Stay Healthy
  • Biked for 10.25KM, burnt 130 Calories
  • Ate healthy food today, home cooked curry
Goal 4:
Complete reading the book Outliers by the end of February , 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 4- Knowing your passion

Taking a step back and re-thinking about , what is my real passion?
What do I really want in life?
Where do I really want to be in life?
Where do I see myself in life?

Starting with a very small step, which will finally lead me to know what my passion(s) are in life.

Step 1:

Inner search.
Think about it, look inside to see who I really am.
What makes me really happy?
What do I really want?

Step 2:

Writing about it, Blogging about it.

Step 3:

Talking to people about it, discussing with friends and colleagues

Work done on Goal 1: (Stay Healthy)

  • 12 KM bike, 250 Calories burnt

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 3- Visualize your dreams

 Visualize your dreams:

Visualizing your dream, is creating your dream in your mind as if it is already real. This gives power to your dream as its birth has already happened in your mind and will not take too much of force to create it in physical reality.

Physical reality of your dreams can be first created in your imagination. Visualize it , create every small detail of your dream in your mind , or draw it or write it down, and then start attracting it. Visualizing is only the beginning.

Vision board, is another theory , people have talked about in past. Draw your vision board, your goal, your passion , your dream, collect all pictures imagine it, draw it if needed, make it as clear as possible. Make yourself believe that it already exists. Feel that you have already got it, achieved it, have it.

These steps take you closer to your dream.

Goal 3: Vision Board

  • Create a visual board of my dreams 
  • Start working on it by the end of this month
  • This board can be changed , updated anytime, so it never ends or stops
When you stop dreaming , you die :)

Start dreaming, start hoping, start visualizing , start big, go strong and Live Your Dream

Work done on Goal 1: (Stay Healthy)

  • Worked out for 25 min , 10 KM, 225 Calories
  • Yoga for 25min
January15th, 2012

Day 2 - Hug your monsters

Hug Your Monsters:
(Taken from Robin Sharma's 8 steps to winning the new year)
Hug your monsters, points us to do something we are afraid of. Something that we do not want to do and are running from it all the time. That project that you wanted to take over, that relationship that wanted to start, those thoughts that you always wanted to express but you were scare of doing so, due to the risk of failure, anything that you were running from.

I had taken Level 1 of French in 2009, which I passed very easily, then took Level 2 in 2010, which I failed at the very end of the class, as my verbal ability was not that good.
Then I took level 2 again, which I was not able to finish as my number of online hours were not completed.
Now I am completely horrified of Level 2, and not sure if I want to do it. I am taking this as a challenge and will Hug My Monster :)

I  can totally visualise myself speaking French :) Will happen soon...............

Goal 2 : 

  • Complete French Level 2 and Level 3 by the end of this year.
  • Talk to colleagues in French
  • Spend 3 hours a week online learning French and 3 hours a week in class

Working on Goal 2: (Learn French)

  • Registered for Level 2 , starting next week. Once a week for next 3 months.
Work done for Goa1 1: (Stay Healthy)
  • Worked out on Bike for 25min, burnt 230 Calories , biked for 10 KM
  • Yoga for half an hour 

Jan, 14th, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 1- Creating Goals

Creating goals :
Make sure to create your Dream/Goal  using SMART tricks.

S-   Specific
M-  Measurable
A-   Attainable
R-   Realistic
T-   Timely

Goal can be your passion, your goal can be anything you want to achieve, your goal can be related to anything, doesn't always have to be related to your career.

Even if you are not sure what your passion is in life, or what you want to really do, start with basics at a very personal level. Start with a very small task , start with anything, and try building upon that.

Goal 1:
Get Healthy, stay energetic-Work out every day for 45 min to an hour. 

Specific-Work out/Yoga/Exercise/Swimming/ice skating
Measurable-Walk , run or bike for 5km a day or 45 min to an hour of swimming or ice skating
Attainable-Sign up for yoga classes, swimming classes and skating
Realistic- Every day, either morning or evening
Timely- Will achieve this goal everyday , by the end of this year


  • Biked for 25min , did upto 10KM, burnt 225 Calories
  • Yoga for 30 min, 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012 - Live your dream this year

Welcome all.

I am going to start blogging about how to live your dream and live your passion every day. I will be sharing my thoughts, my views and what I do, to live my dream to fulfil my goals, to find my passion , to know what I really want to do. 

Declaring your dream is the first step of starting to create your dream, all with your own thoughts and creativity.

I am going to share my goals/dreams/passion here, feel free to drop any comments.

I will write for next 365 days just like "Julie and Julia" movie, (if you have watched), everything I do, everything I want to do, everything I think I want to achieve, and will keep you all updated on how this is going on. 

I had thought of blogging for a while, I started couple of them , on various different topics but this will be the daily thing and this will be very personal and dear to me.

I am taking this as a challenge for myself and want to dare to dream and live my dream each and every day.

To start off, let me share this great video from Robin Sharma, and share the tips and hints that he is talking about. If you like the points below, go ahead and watch all 3 videos, they are powerful.

8 Steps to winning in the new year:

  1. Hug your monsters - 
    • Do things that scare you 
    • Take the power back that you gave to the things that fear you.
  2. Disrupt or get disrupted
    • Come out of comfort zone or else competition will get you out of it any ways
  3. Spend 60 minutes to your personal development
    • Write a journal, listen to powerful talks, Read books , etc
  4. Set goals daily
    • My daily 5
    • 5 simple things must I do today to make this a valuable day
  5. Get Super Fit
    • Focus on Value vs Cost
    • Disease is more costly than hiring a personal trainer
    • ROI - Return on investment -$60 a month for a Gym is way cheaper than any disease
  6. Build a circle of Genius
    • Get rid of energy vampires
    • Surround yourself with positive people that allow you to fly
  7. No more excuses

Enjoy :)