Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 6- Take that first step

Take that first step towards the goal that you wanted to achieve for a long time. Take baby steps, one step at a time, but start. Start anywhere, any time, how ever you want it, but just take that first step.

  • Imagining your goal is, birth of your goal in your mind
  • Preparation towards that goal is getting ready, to see yourself succeed.
  • Taking the first step is half the battle already won.
We have been talking about visualizing your goal, and creating it in your mind. Then we did some mental preparations, preparing our mind to get ready by talking about it, discussing it, declaring it in the blog and now is the time to take the first step.

There are mixed feelings on day one, step one. You are not sure how to react, what to expect, how things will go , what will happen. Most of the time the beginnings are the impressions you leave for the rest of your journey. If the beginning is good, then you determine that the journey would be good, or vice versa. 

Judging, pre-conceptions, pre-determinations, are all coming from past experiences. When you start with a blank slate , there is nothing to compare with. , so whatever you do is the best. That is the place to be.
Start clear, start fresh. Forget about what happened last year when you tried this thing, forget who told what, forget how much loss you went through, etc. just make that new fresh start without any pre-conceptions.

Go out there and live by taking that first step.

I took that first step today.

Today was the first day of French Class Level 2, and it went really well. 

Things done to achieve Goal 1: Get Healthy, Stay Healthy
  • Biked for 30 min, 250 Calories burnt, 11 KM
Things done to achieve Goal 2: Learn French
  • First day of French Class level 2 

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